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Saturday, August 6, 2011

EOS for the lip's SOS

At first glance, do these look like lip balms to you? They didn't to me, and that must be why I got them. They're so cute! These are the EOS (Evolution of Smooth) "Lip Balm Smooth Spheres". They come in a variety of flavors, but I was only able to snatch four of them: Sweet Mint, Summer Fruit, Lemon Drop, and Honeydew.

I love what these do for my lips. They hydrate so well without that greasy feeling. The half-sphere-like shape of the balm itself is great too; that design gets both lips with one swipe. These were about 4 dollars each at Walgreens.They claim to be all-natural though, so the higher price is to be expected.

I do have one complaint though... I don't like the way the Summer Fruit tastes. It smells great, as does the Honeydew (Sweet Mint and Lemondrop smell a bit strong) but I can barely describe the taste. It doesn't taste fruity, but it does taste sweet... maybe too sweet for my taste? 

Still on the lookout for a balm that hydrates, but still tastes and smells great! Just think of all the boyfriends/girlfriends out there that have to put up with it, right? 

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