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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

As women

Hello all.

I know you're a here for beauty related things, but I want to bring this to your attention:

I live in Virginia and I'm about to get hit with this bill which regulates what I want to do with my own body in terms of healthcare without my consent; they'll be taking away my choice to use birth control, no matter what the reason is. It doesn't matter if I'm using it to regulate my menstrual cycle or to protect myself from pregnancy. From what I understand, even at hearings for this, 8 out of 10 witnesses chosen to be speakers are men--none of the ten speakers are advocates fighting for my freedom of choice, but against it. The link I sent you allows us to create a thirty second video to speak out, and even if you're not in the state of Virginia, I would really appreciate your support.

I will be creating a thirty second video at some point and contributing my voice for this. I hope you will speak out against this medieval bill too.


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