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Showing posts with label Michelle Phan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle Phan. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A break from cosmetics; the lesson: if you have an argument, back it up well.

I was curious as to whether or not iQQU is still owned by Michelle Phan (which it no longer is) and came across this site, particularly this post. You know, I'm not a Michelle Fan by any means, but articles like this have extreme dis-credibility. Don't be this person, who throws out big names just to prove a point. Particularly, she or he believes that by simply quoting a scientific article and throwing out PETA's name that s/he has a point. Um, no. This was my reply:

This article completely throws your credibility away, in my opinion. Just by quoting a scientific article, you attempt to renounce a chemical based on studies imposed upon animals; but don't you realize that most products in the market, even organic products, contain many of the same individual chemicals or substances derived from organic matter containing such chemicals? I don't see the difference if, say, you apply sunflower oil from a freshly picked sunflower to your skin versus sunflower oil from the jar if any sunflower oil itself has been tested on a rabbit at any given point in time and adverse effects were observed. Look, dimethicone is found in fast food, and don't tell me you don't swallow a hamburger once in a while from McDonalds. If you studied any chemistry you'd find that it's processed from sand and is in your glass; does that mean you will tear down all your windows? Also, PETA euthanizes 98% of all animals they take in; this organization's opinions are the absolute least trustworthy and most unethical. Another thing, PETA collects money to create billboards with Pamela Anderson displayed on Times Square--not once, but twice--which is a rather expensive task, rather than to take care of these animals they choose to kill. Maybe you should look into your sources a little bit more.
Because YES, Peta does kill animals. I don't trust their lists or opinions for a second. For all I know, they tortured animals themselves to create an effective video.

And YES, dimethicone is found in various products. Not just makeup. Look in your food, and also find out what glass is made from and therefore where dimethicone was derived from. Maybe it's because I'm a biology major, but I come from the understanding that everything from products to animal/human behavior to the vaccines you and I take are possible through animal testing. If you really want to renounce everything that comes with animal testing, then enjoy TB, Whooping Cough, Polio, and--of course--no cosmetics :)